I was reading some articles on the web about poverty around the globe. It really is sad to think how very backwards some people can be as the world forwards. Their lives are just a matter of lets-get-through-a-day-alive concept, with no eagerness or will to do anything but remain in tortured conditions. Obviously the world is maturing, but in the same time, a morally deteriorating haven. For some, its just a habitat on the verge of destruction, taking their lives with them as the world moves into more shallowness and absurdness.Some cannot be blamed, poorly developed governments, whose members consist of corrupted money-loving souls relishing on the country's wealth, waiting to reap more benefits, like wolves fighting with vultures over a pieces of meat.In the midst of such disgusting habits, these people can only pray for a new beginning, for a better opportunity, for a better life. They are like battered soldiers after war, wondering about how close to death they are as opposed to how close they are to life.
On the other hand.Its unbelievable how many have so many opportunities blessed upon them, but yet, are just thrown to waste. The story here is clear. The blessed need to help the not so blessed.
God has created us all special. He created us to give strength and hope to each other.Like what praying in a saff can do to oneself. According to scientific studies, when one stands in a saff, the energy is circulated and balanced. Now I understand why Allah says the pahala for solatul jamaah is more rewarding than praying alone. Just with praying in a saff, u get so many benefits. U meet people, u get ur energy balanced up, u get to be with Allah together as one. Masha Allah.
So back to the topic, we need to help each other. We need to constantly remind each other. The pictures Ive seen of bonestick children, covered in flies, with pieces of rotten meat flashing at bits n parts of their body, have really brought me back to Earth. Here I am, complaining about my life, constantly wishing I had more, when thousands more are literally rotting.
From reading the articles, I developed a sense of responsibility. The time is now. The time to start changing is now.
Love, the common thread woven through the tapestry of humanity heals us. We need to spread more of love. I now ponder about what these poor souls actually feel, is it the money that they wish for? or is it merely love? I was thinking more like this. When given money, I feel as though its similar to wrapping a gaping wound with Band Aid, its covered, but its still empty, the wound is never truly filled, the flesh is bare, easily infected by microbes and infections. This works exactly like the heart, u recieve the money, but ur heart is still empty, sadness, depression, stress enveloping it by the minute.
Many would say, Come on, thats crazy, give love? wat the heck, theyre like dying there, and u want to give them love. Of course, in this modern world, people need money to survive, but what i think is that there should be money and love, with love balancing heavier on the balance scale.Honestly, if u really think about it, it kinda hits home.
For an example, many people overcome their stress in many different ways. Some gamble till they lose their family and home, some berate their children and abuse their wives, some drink and smoke too much, killing themselves solftly as packets and bottles goes by. Some eat, become so obese, that a fireman is needed to cut a hole, just so that the paramedics can evacuate them out of the house when in emergency. Really, all this is happening. And it affects the individuals so bad. Some lock themselves at home, make it their holy tomb, too afraid to present themselves to others, to broken up inside to accept others.
The truth is, humans were all created from love, and its only logic that everything goes back to love. We were born as a product of love, love from God, love between our parents. When deprived, the soul is sick and naked, stripped off its joyfulness and peace.
People need to slip off their crude attitude, and slip on their love. Many of course do not even bother. They live their lives selfishly without caring about their surroundings. Of course, not all of us are cast in the vein of a caring angel. Our innate prejudice is palpable. We often get carried away with life's pleasures. Surely its not wrong once in a while, but continously?
Of course, not all of us carry big pockets and stashed cash, but all of us can aim and dream, of doing one great worthy deed before we leave this huge but little sphere of land. A little something means a lot of things.
So,what about now?
Lets together start looking at things in a different way. We need to start opening our cloistered eyes. Lets learn to love and appreciate others more.
Lets help us.
We can. Now, its just a matter of showing that we can.
ps: fuyohh, wasnt that one heck of a serious post. sungguh dasyat.
Multivitamin Shaklee berwajah baru
1 year ago