Sunday, June 22, 2008

i am awfully confused..!

I was in Borders the other day, waiting to meet one of my Dad's officers to discuss about some University issues. Starbucks surely does cure an ailing soul. Its environment, the aroma of coffee beans and steamed milk, along with a variety of sweet smelling blueberry and chocolate muffins stirs even the blandest senses. Theres that warm fuzzy feeling of comfortness and loveliness. So while waiting for him to arrive, I picked an empty table and started to look around for books. When I came back, the table next to me was occupied with two men aged around their twenties.

So i opened the book and started indulging myself into the authors thoughts, characters and plots, then suddenly,

ppprroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootttt preet!!

i heard a huge gaggle of laughter and turned to look at the two boys. One of them caught me looking and said, "sorry, did that smell horrible cos I just had lunch?"

wat was I supposed to say? "oh no, it wasnt that bad, cud have smelt worse", or "umm, yeah, it stank like heck", or "u noe, i didnt quite get to smell it, could u fart again pls?".i mean come on ppl,ive never had anyone asking me how their fart smelt like.!
so i just gave them a simple "umm, tak perasan pun"

and the guy answered back, "o ye ke, saya ingat agak busuk, but takpe la kalau awak tak perasan."


he obviously has thin skin.

so after that incident, my thoughts were disturbed, i couldnt concentrate on the book, actually from that moment on, i really didnt know a toot about wat went on in the book. All I was thinking about was this one single curious question.

"Should one be embarassed of farting in public?"

so here's wat i think.

the pros:

1) everyone farts
2) noone doesnt fart (isnt that the same as number 1, owh watever)

the cons :
1) well, its just plain embarassing.
2) its disgusting
3) the smell is gross
4) the farts that comes with sound, numerous sounds, are awful
5) some farts are silent kilers
6) farts are partly methane. its dangerous for the environment and its society.

so yeah, im still contemplating on the question, but so far the cons outnumber the pros, so im guessing,it is embarassing??

care to share some thoughts ppl?

i am awfully confused!!