Thursday, March 4, 2010


Soul searching. Holidays are used for soul searching.

And here's what Ive found in my search so far.

Nikmat. Allah memberi nikmat, tapi terlebih nikmat pun boleh jadi dugaan jugak.

Examples :

Katil : Katil yg grand merupakan satu dugaan even if its soo nice and luxurious and every man's best friend. Dengan sebab katil bes ni la kt bleh termiss solat Subuh. Dengan katil yg bes ni jgk la kt bleh jadi malas and miss out on so much in life.

Duit : Duit yang banyak is every man's dream. But with money comes Test. Overspending and wasting can make you Shaitan's best friend. One can also be bongkak and sombong because of money. He can treat others below him like rubbish and order here and there. So those out there who think having a lot of money is a good thing, think again. 

Ilmu : When we feel like we're very knowledgable and full of wisdom, remember that knowledge without practise is no knowledge at all. Kalau kt tau tp kt tak practise then kt berdosa. So with what knowledge we have, even if we think we have a lot, be quiet and dont be proud.

Islam : Just because Allah chose us to become a Muslim, it doesnt give us the right to talk bad about other religions or other Muslims who do not practise Islam well. To compare ourself with the Walking Quran, Rasulullah peace be upon him, we are nowhere, no one. Plus, what makes us think that we'll ucap shahadah at the time of our death and have husnul khatimah. Maybe those we critisize will have their actions accepted by Allah more, and get His Hidayah and become a better Muslim in the future and end with husnul khatimah.

Language : With the ability to talk and speak fluently, we easily tend to talk or write TOO much and may hurt other people or overexaggerate information. We also tend to become the community's most controversial person. So think before you speak or write.

Power : With power comes responsibility. Just because you've been entrusted with power, please remember that you are being watched at all times and your actions towards those under you are being recorded at all times. Power is not a thing you should brag about.

Friends : When you have been blessed with a likeable character and popularity, dont forget that one wrong action can make us lose all our friends in an instant. We can also forget family when we're too engrossed in friends. Family comes first. NO MATTER WHAT.

Parents : Allah has given us the chance to have two incredible individuals in our life. Dont ever ever take them for granted whilst theyre still with you. Allah can take anyone He wants at anytime. Every moment spent with the king and queen of our hearts should be savoured and cherished at all times, even if we get easily annoyed and angry with them. We have no right to hate or scour at our parents after all that theyve been through. 

So ive found a conclusion after listening to this song. D'masiv- Jangan menyerah.  
Syukuri apa yang ada
Hidup adalah anugerah.

You'll see what i mean when you read their lyrics.

Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi
Kita pasti pernah
Dapatkan cobaan yang berat
Seakan hidup ini
Tak ada artinya lagi

Syukuri apa yang ada
Hidup adalah anugerah
Tetap jalani hidup ini
Melakukan yang terbaik
Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi
Kembali ke

Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan
Kebesaran dan kuasanya
Bagi hambanya yang sabar
Dan tak kenal putus asa