Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Someone told me to stop being friends with one of my most special friends. Itu bukan jahat. tu kejam ye. And of course I let out my sadness and anger on that friend, and I think she is feeling not so good about it. Or maybe she doesnt care, i dont know, i hope not. I hope you care. 
So i think my decision to let my anger out on that friend was partly due to the intense migraine I was having last night. nk sedapkan hati je ni sbenarnye, cos I feel bad. 
 So Id like to say two things to 2 or maybe 3 people. I dont know if those emails came from one person or two different people, who cares.

So here it goes :

1) To YOU. Im sorry for letting it out on you, and I know you're all busy and stressed out right now and you dont need any other more distractions or problems. I hope we're ok cause I want us to be ok again. Im sorry, really sorry.

2) To ANONYMOUS EMAILERS. I dont care. You can say all you want. I just will not care.

akhir kata. this goes to you.       :) 
hope you understand what I mean by that, cause U always do. 

jgn perasan lebih2 plk ye. saya biasa2 je, klu xmo kawan pun xpe sbenarnye, saje je taktau nk tulis ape hari ni.

sorry again. hehe. ngeeeee    :)