Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Tribute To My Umi

Happy Mother's Day Umi.

Umi. You are a very lucky Umi. :)
Wanna know why?'s
1) Because you have a Puteri Alia Adeeba binti Azlan Meah as your daughter.
2) Because you have an Ahmed Adrees bin Azlan Meah and an Ahmed Ariff bin Azlan Meah as your twin sons.
3) Because you have an Azlan Meah bin Haji Meah as your husband.
4) Because you get to celebrate Mother's Day twice this year. Once with me in March in
London. And the other one with a part of me, and my twin brothers in Malaysia, TODAY.
5) Because you are the cutest Umi, the best Umi, and the loveliest Umi.
6) Because we love you and will always love you till akhirat.

Umi, thank you for all your sacrifices, ur hardwork, your sleepless nights, your 9 months hardship and pain, your love, your forgiveness, your guidance, your teachings, your warmth.

I wish I could hug you now, tell you how much I love you face to face. I wish I could give you everything and anything I want. I wish I could bring you to Umrah and Haji ( although I know Baba's got something planned there :) Ooops, shouldnt have told you that Umi. I bet you know already.hehe ) I wish I could always be there for you whenever you call my name, even if its to make you tea or water the plants. I wish I could wake up every morning to your smile and your motherly smell. I miss your ramblings, I miss your lectures, I miss you Umi.

May Allah bless you with nothing but Goodness, wellbeing, good health, and most importantly. Jannah.
My every prayer will always have my Umi in it.
I love you Umi. More than Words.

I spend 364 days thinking about you, but it is today that i finally get to say...

Umi, Happy Mother's Day.