Thursday, December 27, 2007

Where should i be buried? Exam!!!!!!!!!

Countdown starts as soon as ur heart beats faster when u think about exams. The thought of exams just makes u want to puke. The problem is, why do we get so tensed up about it? Isnt it supposed to be just a small thing that'll be over in 2 hours?

Umm, i dont think so!

I know the feeling when ur just about to enter the exam room. Suddenly, u need the toilet even when ur bladder is basically zero in content. Ur stomach starts rumbling, ur heart starts making fast lub-dubs, and ur hands start to shake. On the front paper, u even fuss about if uve spelt ur name properly! I started checking my name like 5 times, making sure every letter was present, just incase i would end up not getting my paper just because i missed an A in Alia, and some guy named Ali would be getting my paper instead. Then i flip the pages, counting it slowly, and when it counts to thirteen, im like, "o my god, the examination board is so cruel, evil-spirited, and ruthless! How can they ever do this to me? How am I supposed to finish all that?" But nevertheless,I pick up my pen, read the first question, put down the pen again, and sigh, "umm..wat was that all about?", then i read the next question, and say "umm, never learnt that before, so cant say i can answer that". And when i finish reading all the questions till page 13, I think to myself "Where should i be buried?, Shah Alam or Ampang?"

I thought i had finished revising the whole Bio book. Thought I had memorised all the important facts. Hang on, ok, maybe i skipped the small bit about plants, just a small bit, hey, cant say i like plants all that well to indulge in their evolution and wonder how the sugar travels from leaf to root. Maybe thats why i cant do the exam! Because i missed out the plants section, but then again, thats not really why. Maybe its because I was learning, but wasnt focusing enough. Maybe its because of the wrong things Ive done to my parents, brothers, and people. Maybe its because i called my cat fat. (Ok, that was abit extreme)

As i sit down and ponder, where and what my mistakes were, I realised that it was because I didnt ask and plea to God enough. I guess thats really it. I endulged in Bio so much that I forgot my Lord. The other main reason was, umm, i was lazy? I thought i did enough, but actually, i didnt. I thought I read the book way too much, when in fact, I was looking at the cover with the DNA molecule in the front, pondering why it was green and not blue more than i read about the DNA molecule itself. Ok, so now I know where Ive gone wrong. I need to be closer to God, and simply not be lazy. I need to stay focused, understand and reflect what I read, and not fuss so much about things that dont matter. My job as a student is to study. Its not that hard. I just have to read and understand. That's it.

So now when my minds all set and geared up, I actually enjoy learning. I enjoy finding out. Im happy when i know why this and that happens. I enjoy explaining what i know to people. Besides the part where i get happy when people say, "really?i didnt know that.ur so clever!", I basically just feel good. I love studying. I love exams. From now on, Im gonna make sure that i make my knife very sharp(the knife meaning my revision), so that i can kill the exam papers real well. When the knife's not sharp, how can i ever kill the paper rite? So that's what I'll start doing from now. Anyone care to join me on this knife sharping journey? Lets go for it! Lets kill the paper!!!!!!
