
It started in the year 2005, ended, never. 5 names that make a pentagon, a pentagon.Makes sense I hope, because I never really do make sense at times.Huuu..They were my daffodils during winter, my fudgy brownies during summer. The 5 of us used to cause havoc in that blue top building. Every morning, it became like a routine for us to sneak out of class, strut the hallway looking as innocent as possible, and as soon as we hit the door near the library, "ACTION!" Nisa wud be looking to the left, me to the right, tira to the front, mary to the back and maya to the top. Actually until this very moment, I havent quite figured out y she always looked upwards. Well, at least she was taking precautions rite? Any teacher could jump out from nowhere. So with our hands out like we were carrying M-16s, slowly one by one we ordered...KARPEEPS! (karipap for normal sane ppl)
Mmm,Mmm, D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S!
Now the next act, Scene 2 Part 1.
How do we escape with these miraculous creations without being found guilty of ummmm, smuggling foreign nice smelling objects?? The answer people, is by walking two by threes. The first two, without the karpeeps, will walk as slowly as possible, checking every corner making sure there are no teachers. After making 100% sure that the situation is clear and safe enough, the next three would come, with the one in the middle holding the karpeeps. The journey back to the class is terrifying! Its like ur life is on stake. Either ur safe, or ur caught. So it really starts our hearts pumping fast. Yup, and this is every morning we're talking about. So when we reach our pink present-like class, we sit at our seats as if absolutely nothing happened. Then me, being the one that sits near the door with the huge window (the teachers put windows on doors i think because of this!) would check out constantly, just incase Puan Akmal didnt jump out of nowhere. So then the one with karpeeps would say, "Karpeeps anyone?" and we all literally dive under the tables, scoff the whole piece down and sit up again like nothing happened. I tell u, we ARE PROS at this! Except the occasional times when Pn Akmal or some other teacher would stare us down after the dives under the table, and question us, and say "dont do that again girls, its against the school rules, you have to set an example for the juniors, especially the both of u prefects, Alia and Nisa." . Yup, we always listen and of course, do it again. Hey,cant blame us, we just love the excitement and the attention of our teachers.
So thats the part where we try to get and eat food. Then during hafazan class, me and Tira would literally start memorising the five lines we were supposed to memorise yesterday. And we would always fail at doing so. Everytime Ust Shamsul Bahri said " Ok Alia, Tira, nak baca?", we would give our sweetest smile and say, "kejap Ustaz". Of course again, we never did read the five lines to him. Maybe tomorrow.
After hafazan, nisa would join us from upstairs, and the first subject teacher will enter. We look at each other and simultaneously say, "did u do the homework?", one would say, " I couldnt, had too much other stuff to do", the other, "i didnt know there was homework", the other,"omg, i totally forgot!". So we say our prayers, hoping the teacher forgot, and then start thinking again of reasonable excuses the moment she says " so did u guys finish ur homework?". Of course being good girls we are, we didnt always not finish our homework.Occasionally only. Never was it a routine.
Then the next class is teacher Muthla's class. We L.O.V.E her! She is a bundle of fun. She understands us, always giving cool advices. And she makes us understand the subjects real well. We could drink, dine, whine, chat, laugh, and even sleep. Yes sleep. According to Teacher Muthla, when one sleeps, they absorb the most. The person is at alpha stage, the best stage. Didnt I tell u how great she was! She has an explanation for everything. Good good...
The next class, Ustaz Zul.Wuhoo! That man is full of wise words. An example " to err is human, to forgive divine". The whole class would be chanting the words, and of course copy his accent in the same time. He is so enthusiased, and alert. He would translate everything he said into English just for Maryam. So sweet of him. In the lab, he would be talking the whole time, not stopping once, and us, being teenagers,( yup, thats the only excuse we have ) would start opening different websites that have nothing to do with IT, and hear nothing he says. Poor Ustaz, we love him alot. And to prove that we love him, everytime he stopped talking and says "did u hear what i said" or " do you understand?" we would all say "YES WE DO!!". Sometimes though, when we were too absorbed with what we were doing, and didnt say "YES, WE DO!!", he would repeat everything he said AGAIN, hoping that everyone will hear it the next time. We groan.
He cares about his students. Its a good thing.
Next, Chemistry class, Teacher Mimi. She is so cute and adorable, and sensitive too. She was our Secondary 5 class teacher. She bought us this cute cake just before our English exams. Very sweet. So caring. We love her tonnes.
Teacher Mimi always made sure we understood the laws of Chemistry. Sometimes she'd get really upset or angry if we got in trouble with the school management (which we always did), or didnt do our homework. We would all be really out of mood after seeing her like that. So we learnt our lesson, and finished our homeworks, unfortunately, we could never stay away from trouble with the school, so we had to finish homework.
There was once, when we went to the mamak stall to get some drinks, we saw this tortoise in the drain. All five us stopped, shrieked at each other, and said, "we've got to get that creature!". So with the help of abang canteen, we scooped that tortoise up, (now the part where we tried to scoop the toroise was real drama I tell you!), and brought him to our class in a big yellow tray. The boys were as excited as we were, and soon we were making up names for him. We settled with Bayhaqi, the class tortoise. Soon news spread, and the whole school came and looked at him. Of course, Pn Zaiton found out and ordered us to get him out, because students were starting to ask whether they could bring in animals or not. O the students of Adni, always following us, seeing as we were the trendsetters of the school. So we moved him out into the small pond outside. So sad we were. A word to Bayhaqi, we love you wherever you are!
After Bayhaqi, we bought hamsters! We had a little blue cage, and we played with them all the time. During Teacher Muthla's class, they would be all over the place. Sometimes they would be rolling around in the hamster ball we bought them. So cute! But word again spread, and we had to bring them out of school. First I took care of them, then Tira, then Nisa. Again, so sad we were.
When exams were coming near, we all panicked, and studied together. We had our share of fun too. We helped each other and asked alot of questions. The boys would help too. Such good teamwork we had. The teachers would constantly ask if we had any areas we were weak at and always dedicated their time towards teaching us. Nearing the end, we slept at school and studied until 3 am. Sometimes not sleeping at all. We were all in it together, it was so special.
During exams, it would be gud luck here and gud luck there. We entered together, went out together, bombarded each other with questions like " What was ur answer for question 3?", and when each others answers were different, we would scream and say " lets not discuss!!". Then 2 mintues later someone asks again " What was ur answer for question 2?" and the whole scenario started again.
There are loads more I can write about these special people in my life, but hey I will write more when I have time. No words can explain how much I treasure their friendships. They were there through everything. Its so sad that neither of us could further our studies in the same place together, and so we have parted ways. But the memories we had were priceless, and can never be replaced.
I love these people to bits, and always will, for they truly were, my life buddies! I quote Whitney Houston's song,
"If tomorrow is judgement day. And I'm standin' on the front line.
And the Lord ask me what I did with my life. I will say I spent it with you.
And the Lord ask me what I did with my life. I will say I spent it with you.
Cause your love is my love, and my love is your love. It would take an eternity to break us, And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us"