When many talk about the ups and downs of politics, reading harakah and utusan, contemplating on the perak issues and cursing the government, whilst many are revising their green annoying thin but full of facts community medicine book, and whilst some of our seniors fret out their disagreements towards the university's management causing instant havoc amongst us alex students (i havea few rebuttals to that senior's article, but am too scared to voice out incase he fights back, says I betray my own race, and war starts :P ), we, well, we the people of aras 4, maintain their coolness and cuteness.
Here is a story for you to enjoy, to show how the coolness and cuteness are maintained at all times....haha.. watever :)
Her name's Nor Hidayah binti Jamal..We call her DJ or dayah J.The need to put a J at the back of her name is because we have the task of differentiating two dayahs..Yes we have two dayahs. One called DayZ the other DJ...So this is her. Cute kann..?
She has a baby.
the baby daddy...well, lets just leave that a mystery...Maybe an Alex boy, maybe not... :)
u see, this baby doesnt really belong to dayah..it belongs to someone else, but dayah, being the inborn mother she always is, stole this baby in the middle of the night when all residents of this yellow brickhostel were off to lala land..
so dayah went out one night childless, and came back with a baby, a very cute pink baby...
eversince, this baby has been roaming the land of aras 4..she steals the computer and the tv, she steals our blankets, she takes up the toilet and all the hot water in the morning, she hogs the real player everytime when on the laptop.
plus many more very annoying habits..
Pictures to prove such acts...
On the other hand though, occasionally, dayahs baby has been very helpful, especially in the kitchen...
and when we're in the midst of studying and being tortured by boredom, she'll study along with us, just to keep us company..
and she also prays, look, awwww, she's praying...she's so good and obedient at times, its probably because of the many ceramahs and yassins her mum's taken her to...
but most of all, this cute baby is hawwwttt.. haha...
a tip for buying bday gifts : altho we girls seem very fussy and love expensive beautiful goodies, its not always like that. this cheap but adorable baby is a great bday present for us girls. haha.
In the end, its ONLY and ALWAYS the thought that counts kan.. :)
Multivitamin Shaklee berwajah baru
1 year ago